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SC ASPHALTE, every project is different, we make yours unique

SC Asphalte, your specialist in asphalt and emulsions

Every day, you see your driveway when you come home.
Every day, you think "I should fill that hole, put back some gravel, and redo the borders."
And, once you have your shovel in hand, you realize: it's not an everyday job!

If you've landed on our site, it's for a specific reason: you're looking for a team of professionals to do an impeccable job.

You've found it!

Who are we?

SC Asphalte is a company specialized in Public Works, particularly focusing on the installation of asphalt and emulsions. We are also skilled in laying curbs, fences, and in the field of sanitation, with official approvals.

Recognized for our expertise and know-how in the construction industry, especially among private individuals, our qualified team is determined to provide superior quality services to all our clients. We place a special emphasis on satisfying their unique needs.

At SC Asphalte, we are committed to delivering quality solutions for your development projects, ensuring sustainable results every time.

Choose an expert company in it's field

From the estimate to site monitoring, through to invoicing, we accompany you from A to Z.


006 - Family Tree Created with Sketch.

For over
30 years

Regular construction
site monitoring


Individuals, professionals

Do you have a global project? Versatile, we carry out:

Service Area Map

Our Service Area

SC Asphalte operates within a radius of 80 km around Mouscardès. Do you live in the vicinity of Dax, Mont-de-Marsan, Pau, Orthez or Bayonne? Contact us!

Decennial Guarantee

The decennial guarantee is mandatory insurance for building professionals. It covers damages that compromise the structure of the construction or make it uninhabitable. It is valid for 10 years from the reception of the works. Today, it's challenging to find a company that is not insured. It is a guarantee of seriousness and professionalism, which is the case with SC Asphalte.

Decennial Guarantee