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Leveling and stoning

Ground leveling for earthworks and stoning

Do you have a development project? Do you want to prepare a construction or level a plot of land?

SC Asphalte takes care of all the steps of your work and offers you a personalized response for each site!

Call on a team of specialists to carry out the first step of the earthworks of your land! Contact us by email or phone to arrange a meeting and make a quote before work for your outdoor development.

For all your work: preparation, leveling and equalization

An essential step for the development of an access or a garden, for your outdoor developments or for the construction of a building, leveling is very important to start a good earthworks.
After having delimited the area to be leveled and loosened the soil, we remove all the annoying bodies such as stones and roots. The earth is then mixed with sand to limit the growth of plants as much as possible.
Once the earth is prepared, we proceed to leveling, with equalization of the flat surface. Your land is then ready to receive your construction!

Backfilling and excavation

The work of the earth also leads us to two types of interventions: backfilling and excavation.
Backfilling is mainly used when the earth lacks material. Ground leveling alone is not enough to level it, loose soil must be brought back to carry out good earthworks.
Excavation and the evacuation of materials are carried out when the earth has been dug. Pieces of earth, rock, sand, pebbles... everything is collected and evacuated by our team to make your land clean and cleaned of the elements that have been cleared. This operation can be carried out to allow good grassing!

Stoning of outdoor places

Stoning can have a multitude of outdoor applications. Aesthetic and practical, it offers embellishment and natural reinforcement possibilities.
It is particularly used for the edges of access roads and parking lots. Stoning is also used for soil stabilization, to prevent landslides and soil subsidence.
This solution is carried out as part of earthworks and secures your land. The foundations and road works will then be easier!

A qualified team for land leveling

SC Asphalte carries out earthworks mainly to redo your driveways.
Contact our team of terracing professionals to take advantage of a complete terracing service: from leveling land for outdoor development to stoning.