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Gravel stabilized

Stabilized gravel laying by our professionals

SC Asphalte is a competent company to meet all your access development needs. We ensure the realization of black or red coatings, tarring work, but also gravel laying, also called "stabilized gravel".
Gravel laying is a complete flooring that is used primarily for aesthetic and practical purposes. It is also known to solve soil adaptation problems.

In what case can I benefit from this service? What are the advantages? How much will it cost me? We will come to study your project and answer all your questions.

Individuals and professionals: for more than 30 years, we put our know-how at your service to carry out your work. Contact us!

Stabilized gravel laying: the fields of application

Gravel stabilization is a process that involves depositing a stabilizer below the aggregates (in a honeycomb structure) to prevent them from scattering on the ground. This technique allows, depending on the types of gravel stabilizers, to create shapes and opt for gravel of different colors.

The good news is that gravel laying is suitable for different uses:

  • garden creation
  • terrace creation
  • yard development
  • parking development

Just like for asphalt and gravel emulsion, the gravel is homogeneous and stabilized. You can walk on your floor without hurting yourself!

The advantages of this drainage and aesthetic outdoor flooring

With stabilized gravel laying, no more car wheels sinking into the road when you turn the steering wheel! No more steps in the gravel that require effort! And above all: no more gravel scattered everywhere even in the grass!

Thanks to honeycomb structure plates, your gravel is stabilized and does not move! In addition, the presence of a geotextile prevents the penetration of gravel into the ground.

Stabilized gravel floor: a solution to effectively drain water and maintain a stable driveway

Do you have water stagnating on your path? Are you in a counter-slope of the road and you receive too much water?

There are two application techniques.

  1. If there is not a strong slope, we will put a finish in crushed gravel of a certain grain size that will allow the least possible movement of this emulsion. This solution is more advantageous in terms of budget. The preparation is the same as for asphalt and emulsion.
  2. If the slope is important, to allow the grain to be held in place and to have a slightly more stable finish (to avoid the formation of ruts), we will apply honeycomb plates (plates with 5 cm gravel honeycombs), in which we will put the chosen grains. This solution allows you to have a driveway that will not move and drain water over the entire surface.

Advantage of these two finishes: if you need to make trenches to put a sheath, we can "cover and discover" without seeing the difference and without having an impact on the original finish.